Who We Are
Clearing your Texas criminal record may be one of the most important legal actions you undertake to enhance your future. Running background checks on individuals applying for jobs, college, and professional licenses has become routine. Because these records are accessible to the public, anyone can discover whether you have been arrested and/or convicted of a crime and use this information to deny you the opportunities you seek. That is why criminal record expungements and record sealing are so important.
Ensuring that this legal action is handled in the most professional manner may be critical to your future. That is why you should seek the legal assistance of an attorney who has proven results and is fully experienced with Expunctions and Orders of Non-Disclosure. At the Downey Law Firm, your case will be handled by a legal team with outstanding qualifications and experience.
Texas record expungement attorney Christopher Downey is Board-Certified in Criminal Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization, and has been listed as both a Texas Super Lawyer and Top Lawyer in Houston. He is a former Chief Prosecutor with the Harris County District Attorney's Office and a frequent lecturer throughout the state on issues pertaining to criminal law. Our firm has been recognized with a "Superb" rating of 10.0 by Avvo, an independent lawyers review service.
Our firm is devoted exclusively to matters concerning criminal defense, Expunctions, and Orders of Non-Disclosure. When searching for an attorney to represent you in these critical matters...experience counts. Our legal team has the experience and commitment to excellence that can make a difference in your future.
Our Services

At the Downey Law Firm, we are committed to providing individualized service to each and every client. Our office understands the importance of clearing your record and how the legal services we provide can help to enhance your future.